Happy sad glad
I am happy that I am tan and have escaped my Boston bubble. I am happy that I also spent last semester studying European politics with professor Kulich-Vamvakas. To continue learning about the intense geopolitical and economic standings of the Mediterranean region, while actually on the soil is amazing to me.
It's mind boggling to see how quickly a person becomes to their surroundings. The first week or so I was astounded by everything around me, and as this journey ended I had grown accustomed to the scenery. I got used to walking out to that beautiful courtyard every morning. Of course as happy as I'll be to be home, in my bed, surrounded by friends and family, I will never forget my loft. I'm also happy with my roommates during the program. I am so happy to have been able to share this time with great people an lots of laughs. We as a group really came together, and let's not forget the love I have for the back of the bus crew. It made me incredibly happy to hear Enrique Inglesias and "Final Countdown" on the radio on the ferry to Santorini as it instantly reminded me of the never-ending bus ride to Knossos.
Don't get me started on sad... I am sad to leave the wonderful women working for the institute who have treated all of us like their own children. It was the saddestgoodbye to hug and kiss Eva and Chleo (spelling?). I am sad to leave Mr. Kapsomenos, with his incredible stride that will always have "do the hustle" playing in the background. I am sad to leave the institute which is not only aesthetically pleasing but has housed some great memories. I will be sad to leave the family dinners filled with friends and food and great conversation. I am most of all sad to leave the beautiful weather and beaches and will miss Mylos, Eftiki Star Beach, Falassarna and stunning coastlines that are everywhere you turn.
Glad. I am glad that I will never have to (struggle to) walk up the institute hill in the scorching heat. I am glad that in the states I can get a large iced coffee so I don't have to buy two espresso freddos (because let's face it the first ones gone before you cross the street). I am glad that I can now read the Greek alphabet, something I hope I never lose. I wish to continue Greek and hopefully Vasilikis is up for private lessons via email. Oh I am glad that I wont be setting foot in an airport for a little while, I'm pretty over the lines and security and uncomfortable seats. Overall I am glad we as a group, made it through this academically challenging program with smiles on our faces, this was a great bunch and I hope I speak for us all when I say a great second run!
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